💡 Contributions to open source

I want to be useful for the community and suggest improvements for tools I use myself 😊.


One project had the need to get rid of Kafka’s consumer rebalances in order to provide constant reading from topics. However, none of the popular client libraries (kafka-python, confluent-kafka, pykafka) offered this functionality, despite the fact that it was already implemented in the 2.3.0 version of the broker. I first implemented this feature by overriding KafkaConsumer in the project repository and then opened the Pull request. Unfortunately, the project is almost abandoned now.

Django extensions

When I worked on a few new features, I often came across a situation where I had to switch between branches, roll back migrations of one branch, and apply migrations of another. As long as you work in the same Django app, no problems arise. But when migrations involve multiple Django applications, rolling back of each application becomes a frustrating chore.

I wrote a Django command that captures a state of migrations on the current branch to a file and makes it easy to switch between branches.

Jaeger client

Jaeger is a great code tracing tool. But one day I needed more flexible customization, which the configuration of the client library did not allow. I suggested applying dependency injection to the config class.

📂 My projects


The service for building family trees.

I have long wanted to build a family tree, but I could not find suitable free tools for this, and those that were found did not meet my requirements. So I decided to reinvent the wheel. And at the same time to use some modern technologies for this, to get acquainted them better. That’s why I chose FastAPI with asynchronous ORM, although they are absolutely irrelevant, and Django could fit much better.

FastAPI Ormar Asyncio


This library is to replace ThreadPoolExecutor with asynchronous one and published in PyPI.

In one of my projects, I faced limitations of the well-known GIL due to extensive HTTP interactions in the application. Timeouts for HTTP requests were not working correctly due to a large number of OS threads and context switching. I took a decision to move all HTTP interactions to a separate thread that would execute requests asynchronously. The number of threads in the application was reduced from 24-25 to 10, timeouts started working correctly, and resource consumption was significantly reduced. This also laid the foundation for rewriting the application in an asynchronous style.

Python asyncio


This sitemap generation library is published in PyPI, and the documentation is hosted at readthedocs.

Initially, I only needed to add a sitemap to my Flask blog project. However, after I did not find a more or less attractive alternative, I decided to write my library, and at the same time learn how to publish it to the python package index. Then I decided to use it also to study various tools, for example, Sphinx.

Python Sphinx